
MP letter

After posting this on our social media accounts earlier in the week we have had a big response of people who want to send a letter to their MP regarding vitamin C.

We really have to get them to listen and I will not repeat what we state in the letter below but we need your help.

We do want to track which MP’s have been written too so if you want to use this letter please could you either:

  • BCC us in on the communication (
  • Email the name of MP you have approached

So far this has been sent to 11 MPs and if you are in their constituency you are more likely to get a response.

MP draft Letter

Dear MP

Last week a placebo controlled trial came out showing 80% less deaths in critically ill covid patients given vitamin C vs placebo. This is one of 45 trials underway, and referred to in a published review [] by world leading experts in emergency medicine and vitamin C, including an Oxford University Professor of Pharmacology and a Professor from NHS Wales, Swansea University Medical School. The review has over 100 studies that make it clear that vitamin C – a completely safe, inexpensive and available nutrient – can reduce the number people getting infected, reduce duration and severity if infected as well as reducing mortality in hospitalised COVID-19 patients. Those rare ICUs giving vitamin C are reporting the lowest mortality. ICUs using 12 grams of vitamin C are posting 6% mortality compared to 29% in this second wave.

This information has been shared with all relevant officials – PHE, NERVTAG, NICE, Matt Hancock, Sir Chris Whitty and all NHS chiefs over the past six months with absolutely no response.  Receipt of the review has been acknowledged by PHE and NICE but then nothing.

Back in July we were told “The Government has not undertaken a specific assessment of vitamin C in relation to COVID-19. However, Public Health England (PHE) is not aware of any robust evidence that vitamin C can “boost” the immune system to prevent us from catching COVID-19 or mitigate its effects.” The critical word here seems to be ‘aware’ because there is robust evidence as the review presented to them makes clear.

The summary of the latest review entitled ‘‘Vitamin C—An Adjunctive Therapy for Respiratory Infection, Sepsis and COVID-19’, co-authored by five UK experts states: “This literature review focuses on vitamin C deficiency in respiratory infections, including COVID-19, and the mechanisms of action in infectious disease, including support of the stress response, its role in preventing and treating colds and pneumonia, and its role in treating sepsis and COVID-19. The evidence to date indicates that oral vitamin C (2–8 g/day) may reduce the incidence and duration of respiratory infections and intravenous vitamin C (6–24 g/day) has been shown to reduce mortality, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospital stays, and time on mechanical ventilation for severe respiratory infections. Further trials are urgently warranted. Given the favourable safety profile and low cost of vitamin C, and the frequency of vitamin C deficiency in respiratory infections, it may be worthwhile testing patients’ vitamin C status and treating them accordingly with intravenous administration within ICUs and oral administration in hospitalised persons with COVID-19.

Just like with vitamin D (although the evidence is much stronger for vitamin C) it is unethical to just wait for yet more randomized placebo controlled trials, that take at least a year to set up, run and publish. How many more people will die unnecessarily? How much more burden can the NHS bear when we already have clear evidence of simple, inexpensive prevention steps such as vitamin C and D that are being ignored?

What can you do to get Government to take vitamin C seriously and, at the very least, look at the evidence in this review and advise the public why they have nothing to lose and so much to gain by supplementing vitamin C, and increasing intake to 6-8 grams a day on infection, as all the experts are recommending.

Yours sincerely,

So how can you help? 

Finally, thank you for everybody who supported our crowdfunder over the weekend, we had a really increase in donations. We have roughly 8 hours left so if you are thinking of donating please do so now, you can just click here.We are really pushing to get the funds for the care home study and have the professor in place but aren’t quite there with the funds. On Sunday we were short £7,500 and now less than £5,000 to go. With your help we can do this. If you missed this newsletter, then email as it is a MUST read.

Keep spreading the word about the petition, we have almost 8,000 signatures, with over 700 from doctors, nutritionists, health professionals, NHS workers and scientists.From the VitaminC4Covid team,

Patrick, Rob, Rebecca, Chantal, Andrew and Gaby

View All Newsletters

  • "Vitamin C levels drop precipitously in infection"
  • "Non survivors had much lower Vitamin C levels than survivors"
  • "68% less mortality in vitamin C group of covid critically ill"
  • "Vitamin C reduces both duration and severity of colds"
  • "Vitamin C reduces stays in ICU, hospital and ventilators"
  • "17 out of 18 covid ICU patients had undetetactable vitamin C levels"