Vitamin C for COVID Live Now

Dear C4UK supporter
Something wonderful is happening. We’ve written a vitamin C and covid review with leading world experts, and it comes out in a high impact Nutrients journal on December 7th.
Also, we’re joining forces with about 20 other organisations around the world with memberships and access to probably 200,000 health professionals including doctors, nutritional practitioners, frontline workers and health scientists.
There is overwhelming evidence for vitamin C, growing by the day, with 45 clinical trial registered. To harness this growing support we’ve started a new, global campaign at
We don’t want to promote this to the media, including social media, until December 7th. We will send you content to share then. But we do want to hit the ground running with thousands of campaign sign ups.
To get the ball rolling we have transferred your sign up over to this now global campaign. Now you need to do this BEFORE DEC 7TH:
- Go to and login using << Test Email Address >> with this password: covid
- Select your ‘category’ eg ‘member of the public’, ‘doctor’ ‘nutritional practitioner’ etc. and fill in any required fields
- Only if you are a health practitioner you will also need to a) put in your qualifications (for example mine are Bsc, FBANT, CHNCRP); b) put in your professional url (this could be your website, that of the University, Hospital, Clinic where you work, or your profession’s membership website where you’re registered. (The purpose of this is to establish you are a bona fide practitioner.)
You will then be sent a ‘welcome’ email and given more information regarding this campaign.
We are taking this campaign seriously and have appointed a paid Campaign Manager, Rebecca, and Communications Director, Chantal. Patrick, the director, Rob Verkerk who has joined us as Campaign advisor and Andrew Thomas, our Special Projects and Donations manager are all unpaid volunteers.
Here’s a message from Andrew:
“Hi everybody, isn’t this exciting? This is a campaign we can really win. It is a direct arrow that will hit the target and saves lives. To do this properly we do need funds. Websites, outreach, publishing papers and so on costs real money. That is why we have launched a Crowdfunder to, not only get this project started but give us enough for a sustained strong push for the first three months. Our goal is to raise £30,000 before Christmas. Will you give this life-saving project a Christmas present? If you cannot afford more than £10 even that helps. £100 is even better. A £1,000 would be Christmas coming early!! Anyone giving £50 or more joins our VIP team and get a free copy of Patrick’s book, Flu Flighters. All you have to do is hit the DONATE button on the website”
If there’s anything you’d like to know, or any skills you’d like to share or significant donations you’d like to discuss don’t hesitate to contact us at
Stay healthy, stay free,
Patrick, Rebecca, Rob and Andrew
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